Read more about the article The Progenitor Theory: Part 2
Despite all our differences, beneath the surface all humans can trace their ancestry back to one point: Africa.

The Progenitor Theory: Part 2

The Progenitor Theory: Part 2 One of the most significant and most long-lived archaeological theories, once investigated by recognised scientists but now confined to the realms of pseudo-science, is the…

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Read more about the article Dragons, Sea Monsters and Giants, Oh My!
"If archaeology were to believe that everything drawn on the walls of caves and tombs, or referred to in legends and folktales, were real events, then we would live in a world full of dragons and sea monsters and giants."

Dragons, Sea Monsters and Giants, Oh My!

Dragons, Sea Monsters and Giants, Oh My! 'If archaeology were to believe that everything drawn on the walls of caves and tombs, or referred to in legends and folktales, were…

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The Legend of the Moon Mask

There is an ancient African legend that tells of a day when a piece of the moon fell from the sky. A simple man found it. Some say he was a goat-herd, some say he was a blacksmith. One account even says that he was a slave. Whoever this man was, he fashioned the fallen piece of the moon into a beautiful mask and, when he wore it, it would show him events before they happened.

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