Day 50: Law of the Jungle
Obsidian eyes glare at me. They are framed by red and yellow circles which sweep over the men’s cheeks. Headdresses catch the sunlight, their colours testament to the demise of…
Obsidian eyes glare at me. They are framed by red and yellow circles which sweep over the men’s cheeks. Headdresses catch the sunlight, their colours testament to the demise of…
She survives the fall, the chute catching on the undergrowth and swinging her against the sides of the enormous sinkhole. She hangs there, catching her breath for a moment. Then…
She looks over the precipice. Takes a breath. Then jumps. She falls at an astonishing rate, the lush vegetation of the sinkhole’s walls rushing by in a blur. She pulls…
It is like the calm before the storm, the lull before the action, the deep breath before diving into the unknown. The adventure starts only hours from now, a quest…